Thursday, October 4, 2012

Precis #3
            John Dickerson, writer for the, in his article “Dispatches From the Democratic National Convention”, declares that Michelle Obama’s speech at the Convention was reason enough for Obama to get re-elected. In fact,  he states  “Barack Obama has said that his biggest mistake in office is that he hasn’t told the right story to the American public…[m]aybe he should have let his wife tell it”(ibid.).
            Dickerson implements three rhetorical devices to prove his point. He utilizes cause and effect to show one of the reasons Obama should be re-elected. The First Lady states “[w]e were so young, so in love, and so in debt…[t]hat’s why Barack has fought so hard to increase student aid” so students don’t have to worry about enormous amounts of debt right after college(ibid.). Also, Dickerson employs personification stating Mrs. Obama “took a tour through those values instilled by this example—“dignity and decency,” “honesty and integrity,” “gratitude and humility.”(ibid.). Finally, Michelle Obama instills pathos in explaining why Obama is the best fit for the job; she states Barack deserves to be president because he “knows what it means when a family struggles” unlike his opponent Mitt Romney, who has never had to suffer(ibid.).
            John Dickerson utilizes passionate diction. He states that Michelle and Barack Obama “saw veterans, tributes to military families, and repeated references to their sacrifice.” Because Mr. and Mrs. President took the time to support America’s troops, Obama is more than deserving of their support; in fact, Elaine Brye, mother of four children on active duty states “[i] f someone is there for my family then I’ll be there for them”(ibid.).  Syntactically, Dickerson posits many  quotes from Michelle Obama such as “Barack knows what it means when a family struggles. He knows what it means to want something more for your kids and grandkids”(ibid.). The constant quotes from Michelle Obama reveal that Dickerson wants the reader to feel connected to the First Lady as well as it reveals his adamant support of the President. This contributes to his ebullient tone.
            I agree with John Dickerson in that Michelle Obama gave a great speech. The greatest element of her speech was that she made her husband more relatable to the American people. As stated before, she tells the American people “Barack knows what it means when a family struggles”(ibid.). She reminds the audience that the President had to struggle for most of his life, making him the perfect candidate to help America out of the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression. Michelle Obama’s speech not only makes her husband more relatable but also it proves why Barack Obama should be re-elected. Dickerson posits that “[a]t the GOP convention Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan said they would make hard choices. Michelle Obama’s argument was that her husband should be kept in office because he already has”(ibid.).

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