Thursday, December 6, 2012

Who will Haley choose to replace good ole DeMInt?

In the article above, reporter Peter Hamby analyzes who will replace Jim DeMint who announced he will be leaving his seat in the Senate to take over Heritage Foundation. The candidate most likely to get the job is South Carolina Representative, Tim Scott. Governor Nikki Haley must appoint someone to fill the seat until there is an official election in 2014. Scott is the best candidate because he is one of the conservatives' biggest stars; if Haley did not elect him, she would face more scrunity from the conservative, who are the main reasons why she even became governor. GOP fundraiser Barry Wynn says everyone feels comfortable with Scott sitting in for DeMint. The question is not whether anyone will like Scott, that question has already been answered with a big fat YES. The real question is will Haley elect solely because he is the obvious candidate from her conservative party or will she elect him because she thinks he is right for the job.

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