Friday, November 30, 2012

Should Kids be offered medical marijuana?

In the article above, a seven year old girl named Mykayla Comstock was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic luekemia in July. Against the doctor's wishes, her mother has been giving Mykayla small caspules filled with cannabis oil. The oil must be working because she went into remission in August. The effect that marijuana has on children is yet to be discovered, but the real question is should kids  be denied the use of marijuana in order to help cure their illnesses just because they are kids?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Worst Movie Idea Ever

In the article above, seven Coptic Egyptians were sentenced to death due to involvement in an anti-Islam film in California. The movie "Innocence of Muslims", Mohammed is portrayed as a womanizer, child molester, and ruthless killer. Islam becomes outraged once they catch wind of the scandal because they strictly forbid any blasphemy against Mohammed. The anger was so high that protesters in Cairo scaled the wall of the U.S. Embassy and tore down its flag and put a black flag in its place. The film also led to the death of three Americans and the U.S. ambassador in a Libyan protest. The Egyptian-American mind behind the film was sentenced to one-year in a federal prison because of his violation of his bank fraud in 2010. Let's just say the movie was a bad idea.

If Ireland had abortion rights like Roe v. Wade

In the article above, a woman named Savita Halappanavar died last month after being denied an abortion. If Halappanavar would've been allowed the abortion, she would still be alive today. Author Latanya Mapp Frett reveals that almost 13% of women die because of maternal complications. Several countries, including Ireland do not allow women to get pregnancy and they are even considering not allowing abortions during the early stages of pregnancy. Hopefully, Ireland and other countries will look at this situation and think of the women they could be saving if they allowed abortions.