Monday, August 27, 2012

Romney and Immigration

In the article above, writer Tom Cohen discusses Romney's confusing stance on immigration. When trying to ensure his spot as the Republican candidate, Romney said that his opponents Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry were not firm enough with illegal immigrants and that they didn't take enough of a stance on putting a stop to illegal immigration. It was clear, well at least at this point, that Romney is anti-immigration. Once Romney is made the Republican candidate, the first votes he goes for are the votes of the Latinos. Romney then went on to attack Obama for not taking the steps necessary to put an end to illegal immigration. Despite his want for the Latino vote, Romney's stance seems to be anti-immigration.

Does Obama Take the black vote for granted?

In the article above, writer Shannon Travis explores whether or not Obama takes the black vote for granted. Travis argues that he does not; in fact, Obama does everything he can to ensure that he keeps the votes of the minorities. In his 2008 election, Obama won 95% of the black vote. Rev. William Owens argues that just because Obama is guaranteed the votes of the minorities doesn't mean that he is taking advantage of them; in fact, he is making sure that he keeps those votes.